Empower Your Delivery Team
With High-End Features,
Tailored To Your Business
Specific Needs
Task Notifications
Optimized Routes
Proof Of Delivery
Agent Wallet
Simple, Yet
Powerful Platform
Successful Onboarding
Leverage agents with an easy onbaording process with a step-by-step guide to help them get started.
Driver Dashboard
Allow your team to view upcoming task requests, filter & sort tasks through a robust dashboard.
Seamless Payment
Agents can accept payment in multiple modes through wallets, cards or cash & mark it on their app.
Enable Time-
Efficient Deliveries
Task Notifications
Send real-time task alerts with complete details like pickup & drop off details, dispatcher notes, etc.
Easy Navigation
Let your agents navigate easily & travel hands-free to complete deliveries with higher accuracy & precision.
Route Optimization
Provide your delivery team with shortest & highly optimized routes to manage multiple deliveries.
Improve Fleet Productivity & Simplify Delivery Operation With Royo Dispatcher
Everything, Easily
Enable delivery agents to track their completed deliveries & daily earnings right from their App.
Let your delivery agents keep a record of all the transactions completed by them at one place.
Allow agents to track their productivity with detailed task history & key performance metrics.
Communication For Drivers
Let your delivery agents mark their availability as online/ offline at any time through their intuitive app.
Allow agents to view delivery instructions in form of notes or images to ensure safer deliveries.
Agents can collect digital delivery proof in form of barcodes, digital signatures, etc. on delivery completion.
Get Everything You Need To Empower Your
Delivery Team & Enable Efficient Deliveries
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